What to do WHEN your Siberian Husky gets

No matter how well you train your dog or organize your restraint system,
chances are some day YOUR Siberian Husky will be loose in an open area.... Are you
prepared for this contingency? Please read the suggestions below to store up some ideas
for the day YOUR Siberian Husky "accidentally" finds freedom.
The suggestions on this page are provided
from the experienced Siberian Husky owners of the Sibernet-l discussion
list and other Siberian owners. Please join the list if you'd like to learn more about
this captivating breed!
- RUN to a
vehicle, throw open the door and call out "Let's go bye-bye!"
- RUN to the
house, throw open the door and call out the dog's name to come in: -> "Odin
- RUN quickly
to the fridge and pull out a piece of meat. RUN
after your Siberian waving the meat in the air hoping he/she gets a whiff of it before
catching one of the neighbor's cats/rabbits/chicken/sheep.
to where the dog can see you. Drop or fall to the ground and cry & sob LOUDLY. This
will hopefully bring the dog right up to you to see what is going on. Grab him
immediately. (This one is usually foolproof but save it for a real emergency situation as
it usually only works once. Siberians catch on real fast, and you aren't going to fool
them with this a second time.)
- MAKE FLYERS with the
pictures you have on hand. You can go to any local store and tape a picture onto a flyer
and copy it – I had 50 flyers made within a matter of minutes. Also, in winter or the
rainy season, be sure to use something to cover the flyers to keep them dry so they are
legible (we have used sheet protectors from an Office Supply store - simply tape the open
- Stop signs at major intersections into and out of the area the dog is lost from.
- Feed and Grocery Stores (all dogs must be fed)
- Shelters & Dog pounds
- Area Veterinarian Offices and Animal Hospitals
- Near Banks (all humans use banks, increased audience of your flyers)
- Near Gas Stations (most humans use these frequently)
- Schools—dogs love kids and seem to be attracted like glue to schools!
- Randomly on mailboxes or in newspaper boxes in the area near the escape.
- ITEMS to put on the SIGN:
- Photo of dog
- Description of dog (breed, coat color, eye color, sex, collar, identifying marks)
- Area lost
- Date lost
- Your phone number AND an alternate phone number if you don’t have the phone with
you while you are out driving around!
- How the dog escaped—climbed fence, dug out of kennel—people are more likely to
help if they think the dog escaped rather than he always runs loose and now you think he
is missing.
- NOTE: Driving the neighborhood where
your dog was lost is only good for a few hours.
-After the first couple of hours, it is unlikely that you will find your pet this way
because he is either further away than you imagine, in someone's house/backyard, or at the
shelter. So, after the initial drive around the area, your time is best spent putting up
signs and knocking on doors. Ask KIDS that you see walking or riding their bikes, they
seem to know EVERYTHING that goes on in a neighborhood ?
Please note that many of
these suggestions begin with the word RUN!
This list and the BEFORE
and AFTER lists are open for expansion.
If you have any suggestions, please send them to ann@huskycolors.com
Created by Ann
Revised: January 25, 2002.
© Copyright 1997-2003.
Please do not "borrow" images or text from this site without asking permission.
We have invested hundreds of hours on this site and ask that you respect our intellectual
Colorized running husky done by me to look like our original Siberian Loki.
We often grant permission to requests from other Siberian
Husky sites to include our "Loki" image above, however, we request that the image is NOT
to be used as part of any other site banners as it has been
part of one of our site banners since 1997. The original banner only referenced 100+ siberians.
us an updated copy visitors may use to link to our site.
- Please,
folks - don't plagiarize. If you want to make any of the material
here available to your readers, just provide
a link.

For additional sites related to Siberian
Huskies, I suggest the links page of
Barkarian Kennels and/or the Working Dog Web