What's was New?
on the

Below is a listing of dogs added and other
changes to the site in 1999.
If you would like to see your dog(s) added...
Don't miss our Required
Reading Section!
August 1999
- Bruce (red) - Shadow's (sable) daddy
- Updated Shadow's (featured sable) listing
- Tua (red)
- Togo (black)
- Thunder (new grey featured dog)
- Tosch (featured piebald) added new images
- Tahvi (black) - guide dog for the blind
- Added Myshka's page (Agouti) to show the development & color changes
of an Agouti puppy
- Added page
with close up examples of the banded hair of Sable Siberians
- Riah & Fox (woolies)
- Mason (white wooly)
- Updated Quin's image (Black)
- Updated Windy's listing (Wooly)
- Kayla (featured copper) - added image, enhanced old images
- Created
faster loading intro page for slower modem/computer users.
- Bopp (copper), who shares his home in Italy with
West Siberian Laikas, a close relative of
the Siberian Husky breed.
- Maya (white) puppy
- Hutch & Maya (whites)
- Solo (red piebald) puppy
- Ayla (copper with Neck Mark)
- Jake (grey)
- Updated Blue (piebald) owner's web information
- Inka (red piebald)
- Patches & The Bat (splash & piebald)
- Dakota (grey - beautiful mask)
June 1999
May 1999
April 1999
March 1999
Dogs are added to the site on a strictly 'as
time permits' basis. All offers are welcome, but there is no guarantee how quickly a
dog will be added to the site.
We are happy to provide technical assistance to North Wapiti
Kennels, Alberta Canada
Iditarod 2000 Participants

Click on the paws to take a run on over to their main page...
Created by Ann
Revised: February 16, 2003.
© Copyright 1997-2003.
Please do not "borrow" images or text from this site without asking permission.
We have invested hundreds of hours on this site and ask that you respect our intellectual
Colorized running husky done by me to look like our original Siberian Loki.
We often grant permission to requests from other Siberian
Husky sites to include our "Loki" image above, however, we request that the image is NOT
to be used as part of any other site banners as it has been
part of one of our site banners since 1997. The original banner only referenced 100+ siberians.
us an updated copy visitors may use to link to our site.
- Please,
folks - don't plagiarize. If you want to make any of the material
here available to your readers, just provide
a link.

For additional sites related to Siberian
Huskies, I suggest the links page of
Barkarian Kennels and/or the Working Dog Web

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"We have surfed 81 Northern Breed sites in the last two weeks and our designers have
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